How to double our technological capabilities: 10 nudges for more #WomeninTech

How to double our technological capabilities: 10 nudges for more #WomeninTech

Source / author: 
Publication date: 
15 December 2018
Publication type: 
Reports and studies

Data analytics, artificial intelligence and smart robotics are changing the tasks we perform and the skills we need. Digitalisation and smart automation are fundamentally transforming the way we work and creating jobs for people who can apply technology to current tasks, people who can design, monitor, maintain and fix technology, and people who can optimise human-technology interaction. Many of the current tasks and jobs as we know them will change as we increasingly use new technologies to optimise the way we work.

A bright outlook? In many ways, yes. At the same time, it is very likely that many of these jobs will be occupied by male workers. Digitalisation and smart automation will create new jobs in industries that are related to technology and engineering. A disproportionately large percentage of workers in these industries are men. Of the 39.3 million women in the EU with a degree, only 1.4 million work in tech.1 As productivity, wages and returns are higher in these jobs, part of the gender pay gap can be explained by thegender tech gap.