Lifelong Learning / Upskilling


Short summary: 

Solaride is a project for students who want to contribute hands-on to solving our dependence on fossil fuels. To do so, the students are building a working solar car and taking it to the ultimate test run in Australia in the Bridgestone World Solar Challenge. The ultimate objective of Solaride is to promote engineering and its career options in Estonia.

Description and objectives: 

Solaride is a project for students who want to contribute hands-on to solving our dependence on fossil fuels. To do so, the students are building a working solar car and taking it to the ultimate test run in Australia in the Bridgestone World Solar Challenge. The ultimate objective of Solaride is to promote engineering and its career options in Estonia.


The project gathers ambitious students from different fields, such as engineers, electronics, mechanics, software etc. from all over Estonia. The project has grown continuously into the size of an average company. Currently there are almost 70 team members. The team also has various prominent mentors from universities and companies to share their know-how with the students. Besides that, Solaride has strong support from cooperation with several Estonian universities and gives participating students the opportunity to gain practical knowledge and compete in an international competition. With this, the project promotes engineering and technology among the pupils and students.


The ultimate objective of Solaride is to promote engineering and its career options in Estonia. As a country Estonia faces a serious shortage of engineers and specialists, now and in the future. The overall aim of the project is to promote STEM career paths through hands-on experiences early on. The promotion of technology and engineering is therefore important to bring people to engineering and have the necessary workforce in the future. The programme also contributes to the development of innovation and science-based economy in Estonia. According to the analysis on the workforce needed in Estonia, in 10 to 15 years, 60% of the occupations are the kind of which we do not have today. Therefore, adapting with new and novel technology is critical.

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SolarCar Estonia MTY (non-profit organization)

The biggest impact of Solaride is raising the general knowledge about solar energy in Estonia. With the strong social media strategy, they effectively reach the general public and students on a large scale. It is hard to measure the overall impact due to the fact that Solaride has operated for a short time period. Despite that, Solaride has successfully involved big technology companies and several sponsors. In the social media, they have collaborated with several Estonian celebrities and influencers.


In the Solaride team, there are about 70 members. The project has s strong social media reach and the team participates in all big eventsin Estonia. Solaride has also organized several events on their own (mostly on the web due to the pandemic) and has reached thousands of people doing so.


Budget and funding model: 

The Solaride project is mainly funded by different sponsors, that subdivide:

  • Private funders
  • Companies, that mainly are in the technology sector
  • Local Governments, such as Tartu City
  • Universities and research institutions such as Estonian University of Life Sciences, University of Tartu and Tallinn University of Technology.
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Year start: 

Solaride is a project for students who want to contribute hands-on to solving our dependence on fossil fuels. In the context of the project students are building a working solar car and taking it to the ultimate test run in Australia in the Bridgestone World Solar Challenge. The ultimate objective of Solaride is to promote engineering and its career options in Estonia.


Despite its early phase, the project and its 70-man project team has garnered a large amount of media attention, developed partnerships with large companies and put solar energy-related career paths on the map for a large number of young people in Estonia.


Mobile Technology Workshop

Short summary: 

The Merkuur Mobile Technology workshops introduce various trades, techniques and tools in the metal and wood industries to young people and to offer them hands-on opportunities to try and participate in the tasks associated with these trades in order to raise their career awareness and competitiveness in the fields of technology and engineering. The main objective is to give young people practical knowledge about engineering and technology. By educating young people and giving them early access to hands-on engineering possibilities,the programme aims to increase the interest of students to start a career in engineering.

Description and objectives: 

The Merkuur programme has developed mobile workshops to introduce various trades, techniques and tools in the metal and wood industries to young people and to offer them hands-on opportunities to test the tasks associated with these trades in order to raise their career awareness and competitiveness in the fields of technology and engineering.


Merkuur has two mobile workshops and more than sixty different learning solutions to provide young people with hands-on opportunities to carry out tasks in metal and woodwork, electronics, bionics and many other engineering fields. The Mobile Workshops are self-built mobile classrooms and therefore workshop activities can take place all over Estonia. Schools, vocational school and other interested organizations can request the mobile classroom service at their premises.


In the beginning, the Mobile Workshop service and its activities were provided as a form of non-formal learning. Since 2018, the team has consistently worked on developing partnerships with various educational schools, vocational schools and colleges. Teachers and mentors of mobile workshops organise technology lessons, project days and hobby groups in schools. In addition to daily activities, the team has developed a modern methodological material used to introduce CNC equipment to young people and to implement their new knowledge both individually and in teams, while carrying out product development tasks, testing various material treatment methods and preparing metal and wood products with a real purpose.


The objective is to give young people practical knowledge about engineering and technology, which is measured by the number of kids participating in the activities of Mobile Workshop.


The objectives of the workshops are related to a broader government strategy to raise the popularity of engineering as a career choice due to the fact that Estonia is facing a shortage of engineers, failing to meet the current labour market demand as well as the expected demand in the future. In addition, the programme is associated with the aim to develop a research-intensive economy. By educating young people and giving them early access to hands-on engineering possibilities, it increases the interest of students in starting a career in engineering.

Logo or photo: 
Merkuur OY

The Mobile Workshop gives the opportunity for young people to get acquainted with the real product development process by applying their critical thinking and problem-solving skills as well as modern technologies based on the principles of the natural sciences, engineering and mathematics. The team has also developed good partnerships with different schools, therefore bringing the opportunities to the school lessons. With that, the programme contributes to raising career awareness and competitiveness in the fields of technology and engineering.


The Mobile Workshops have a great impact on the areas that otherwise are dismissed or have limited opportunities, for example schools outside the big cities in the countryside. This helps to curb inequality and improve young people's access to science, technology and engineering.


The programme is also acknowledged by the Estonian Research Council as the Best New Initiative inn 2017, Special award for the best social enterprise of Brain Hunt in 2017, by the Federation of Estonian Engineering Industry as the Deed of the Year in 2017, and was awarded by the Estonian Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications for promoting  entrepreneurship and European Enterprise Promotion Awards with the first place of Investing in Entrepreneurial Skills in 2020.


The Mobile Workshop-concept reaches thousands of children all over Estonia. By the beginning of 2020, the Merkuur team has organised more than 700 science, technology and engineering workshops for about 7000 young people. Mobile Workshops actively cooperate with key figures and entrepreneurs in the fields of nature, the exact sciences and technology.

Budget and funding model: 

Merkuur Mobile Workshops is funded by several public funds, ministries and other organisations:


  • ERASMUS+ project “Mobile laboratories for improvement of STEM knowledge”;
  • Estonian Research Council and FESTO cofunded project “Engineering inspired by the nature”;
  • Project “Mobile Workshop for introducing the careers in wood and metal industry” funded by the Estonian Ministry of Education and Research, Estonian Youth Work Centre, European Social Fund and Republic of Estonia;
  • Local governments and schools.
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Year start: 

The Merkuur Mobile Technology workshops introduce various trades, techniques and tools in the metal and wood industries to young people and to offer them hands-on opportunities.


Due to their mobility, the Mobile Technology Workshops particularly impact areas that otherwise are dismissed or have limited opportunities.This helps to curb inequality and improve young people's access to science, technology and engineering.



Short summary: 

MKB!dee is an initiative of the Dutch ministry of Economic Affairs to promote the development of experimental approaches for (and by) lifelong learning in small and medium sized enterprises. The programme is implemented by the Dutch national STEM platform (PTvT) in cooperation with the Dutch Enterprise Agency (RVO) and provides support and funding (up to 200.000 per project) to SME's for the development of new approaches

Description and objectives: 

Research has shown the importance of continuous investment in skills (lifelong learning). Small and medium sized enterprises (SME’s) in the Netherlands tend to invest relatively little in lifelong learning. Research by the Dutch ministry of Economic Affairs (EZK) has shown that the main obstacle to increased (structural) investment in the continuous development of employees is not a financial but practical. For example, smaller companies find it more difficult to free up personnel to participate in lifelong learning activities, but also find it more difficult to identify learning opportunities suitable to their specific company / sector.


The Dutch ministry of Economic Affairs responded to this challenge with the MKB!dee: A programme that supports SME’s in the development of lifelong learning activities that fit the needs of their specific company type, size and sector. The programme is funded by the Dutch ministry of Economic Affairs and part of the broader MKB Actieplan ('SME Action Plan'). It is implemented by the Dutch national STEM platform supported by the Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO) which monitors and evaluates the programme. Participating SME’s can apply for a total grant of max. 125.000 euro (individual SME’s) or 200.000 euro (multiple SME’s) for the development of new / experimental lifelong learning activities relevant for their company / sector. The main objective of the MKB!dee programme is twofold:


  1. To provide practical and financial support to SME’s in the Netherlands in the development of (experimental) lifelong learning activities that suit the needs of their company
  2. To identify and upscale successful lifelong learning approaches developed in the context of the programme.


In addition to general quality criteria, project proposals submitted by SME’s are evaluated on the extent to which they contribute to pre-defined policy objectives of the Dutch ministry of Economic Affairs. These include:


  • Climate and energy transition
  • Increasing the number and quality of STEM and ICT professionals
  • Digitalisation of SME’s
  • Lifelong learning in small SME's (< 50 employees)
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In 2019 the research firm SEO was tasked by the Dutch ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate to carry out an independent evaluation of the first round of pilot applications. This evaluation mapped the background, geographic location and structure of the project consortia serving as a 'zero measurement' for future reference (see background documents). No further analysis of the structural impact of the programme on participating SME’s has been carried out yet. However, based on positive responses and growing demand the programme has been extended with a second application round in 2021. 


During the first period of the programme (2018-2019) a total of 61 projects were funded. A further 10 million euro has been reserved for 50-70 additional projects to be funded in 2021. The programme also aims to identify and upscale successful projects after the funding period ends to further stimulate both demand and supply of successful Lifelong Learning approaches for SME’s. 

Budget and funding model: 

The programme is fully funded by the Dutch ministry of Economic Affairs (EZK). In the period of 2018-2020 a total of 61 projects were funded. Of the total programme budget, 27% is reserved for small SME’s (< 50 employees).


Individual SME’s participating can apply for a maximum grant of 125.000 euro per project. Project proposals involving more than one SME can apply for a maximum grant of 200.000 euro per project. No co-funding on the part of the SME is required. Successful applicants receive 90% of the total budget as a pre-financing payment (up front) and the remaining 10% after completion of the project.

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Year start: 

MKB!dee is an initiative of the Dutch ministry of Economic Affairs to promote the development of experimental approaches for (and by) lifelong learning in small and medium sized enterprises. The programme is implemented by the Dutch national STEM platform (PTvT) in cooperation with the Dutch Enterprise Agency (RVO)


In the period of 2018-2020 a total of 61 projects were funded (200.000 euro per project) focused on developing new lifelong learning approaches in SME's. Of the total programme budget, 27% is reserved for small SME’s (< 50 employees).


Cutting-edge Science to the Classroom

Short summary: 

In the framework of the Cutting-edge Science to the Classroom programme lectures are held by internationally recognized researchers on cutting-edge topics such as cell biology, genetics, mathematics, and quantum toptics.

Description and objectives: 

The aim of these programmes is to introduce the most modern technologies and solutions to the audience. The goal of the program is to provide more comprehensive knowledge for the teachers working in the STEM fields by disseminating the most novel research results, new methods and teaching contents.
Expert teachers and researchers give lectures on research developments and difficulties, and the possible ethical aspects of these fields.             

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Obuda University

The goal of the program is to get the most up-to-date knowledge from a recognized researcher or teacher.


The program currently involves about 300 students and 4 lecturers.

Budget and funding model: 

The program is funded by the EU, the Hungarian state and the University of Obuda.

Year start: 
Taskforce dosssier: 

European Science on Stage festivals

Short summary: 

Every two years, Science on Stage organises Europes biggest educational festival from and for STEM teachers. Each time hosted by a different country, the event brings together up to 450 STEM teachers from over 30 countries to share and exchange their ideas and concepts for a successful science education from primary to secondary school

Description and objectives: 

Every two years, Science on Stage organises Europes biggest educational festival from and for STEM teachers. Each time hosted by a different country, the event brings together up to 450 STEM teachers from over 30 countries to share and exchange their ideas and concepts for a successful science education from primary to secondary school.

Every participant presents his or her good-practice teaching examples to their international colleagues at stands, in workshops and in on-stage-presentations. Following the principle 'from teachers for teachers' the festival supports the professional development of the educators. Furthermore the most innovative best-practice teaching concepts find their way to teacher trainings, brochures and teaching materials after the event.

Teachers are competitively selected to be part of their country’s delegation through rigorous application processes and national events.

The next European Science on Stage festival takes place will take place from 24-27 March 2022 in Prague, Czech Republic.

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Science on Stage Europe

The impact of our work can be measured by the personal benefit the teachers get through participating in our European Science on Stage festival. The results of the evaluation of the festivals demonstrate that the exchange of teachers has a positive effect on the motivation and joy in the profession. Indeed, participating teachers find many inspiring ideas for their STEM lessons and actually incorporate them practically in their own classrooms. However, the teachers do not only appreciate the exchange of inspiring ideas, but also the possibility to gain and maintain contacts made on an international basis. The improvement of science teaching and thus the promotion of students to consider a career in science, ICT and engineering, can be a good way to counteract the skilled worker shortage in these areas. (see Evaluation report)


The festival brings together up to 450 STEM teachers from over 30 countries to share and exchange their ideas and concepts for a successful science education from primary to secondary school. These festivals are the peak of our work – they constitute a gateway for national follow-up activities of each individual Science on Stage country. Through the festivals, newly acquired concepts find their way to teacher trainings, brochures and teaching materials in every participating country. In this way we reach more than 100,000 STEM teachers across Europe.

Budget and funding model: 

The European Science on Stage festivals are funded through private companies and foundations, municipalities, cooperation with universities and other STEM initiatives. The host country/National Steering Committee that organises the European festival is responsible for fundraising, supported by the umbrella organisation Science on Stage Europe e.V.

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Year start: 

Zorgpact (Health Pact)

Short summary: 

The healthcare sector is rapidly changing. To ensure the best possible care for everyone, healthcare professionals should adapt to these changes continuously. Zorgpact (Health Pact) is an initiative of the Dutch government that aims to support and strenghten ‘bottom-up’ cooperation in the healthcare field via regional ‘healthcare pacts’.

Description and objectives: 

The healthcare sector is rapidly changing. To ensure the best possible care for everyone, healthcare professionals should adapt to these changes continuously. Zorgpact (Health Pact) is an initiative of the Dutch government that aims to support and strenghten ‘bottom-up’ cooperation in the healthcare field via regional ‘healthcare pacts’. These pacts are action agenda’s for cooperation created by networks of healthcare providers, education institutions and local government.


Building on the successful Techniekpact (Technology Pact) approach, Zorgpact facilitates regional cooperation, monitors regional developments, highlights relevant themes, and boosts best practice sharing between regions. On the national level, Zorgpact supports the regions by mapping legislative barriers, thematic research (e.g. impact of technological developments) and by connecting the initiatives to relevant instruments (e.g. the Dutch regional investment fund for Vocational Education and Training) for the development of new innovative approaches and solutions.

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Since its launch, 67 best practices have been identified and unified in a leaders group (Kopgroep). Zorgpact has also mapped (and where possible) removed 40 barriers for cooperation, and supported seven successful project proposals from the healthcare sector, in the Regional Investment Fund for Vocational Education and Training.


Zorgpact was launched in 2015. There are currently 16 Zorgpact-regions.

Budget and funding model: 

The Dutch government commissioned the Dutch national STEM platform to implement Zorgpact. Following the successful Technology Pact approach, Zorgpact does not subsidise any initiatives directly, but leverages and coordinates existing funding instruments to increase their impact on the regional level.

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Year start: 
Year end: 
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