QUICK: monitoring instrument new

Publication date:
Monday, 19 February 2024
Source / author:
United States

NEAP Background

Because of the high degree of state autonomy in the US, each state has a unique educational curriculum which is determined by the individual state in question. The curricula of individual states then, subsequently, utilize their own methods of testing students to determine their educational progress. These unique state exams result in data which is incomparable across the US, making it impossible to gain an accurate picture of the educational achievement of US states relative to one another, based on state level testing data alone. 

So as to be able to comparatively track state data, as well as data on the country’s educational progress as a whole, the NAEP exam was created. 


How it works. 

  • The NAEP exam operates independently of any curricula used by the states in the US. This prevents students from any given state from having an advantage over the others. 
  • The NAEP is administered by agents specifically from the NAEP, based in each state. This helps maintain the integrity of the test. 
  • Poor performances in a given state do not result in punitive actions, but rather a greater degree of support for the state. This further incentivises honesty and cooperation in the exams. 
Relation to programmes, strategies, initiatives, etc.:

The NAEP is a federal agency of the United States, which collects educational data from each state in the union. It was decided to research the activities of NAEP since, despite not being involved with international data collection, it has the capacity to collect comparable data from multiple curricula used by autonomously functioning educational systems. This capacity makes it a relevant best practice example in the European context, due to Europe’s current inability to access comparable education data from its member states. 


This program could act as a best practice example for developing a Europe wide STEM data collection system

Publication date:
Monday, 19 February 2024
Source / author:
United States


Publication date:
Monday, 19 February 2024
Source / author:
United States
Data availability / API:
