Ingenious project: value proposition

Ingenious project: value proposition

Source / author: 
Ingenious project
Publication date: 
9 July 2013
Publication type: 

inGenious was a multi-stakeholder initiative in STEM education launched by European Schoolnet and the European Roundtable of Industrialists (ERT) with an aim of increasing the links between science education and careers. This €8 million European programme in STEM education involved more than 40 partner organisations representing European industry, policy makers and STEM educators and was jointly funded by the grant from the European Commission's 7th Framework Programme and by project industry partners.


The project, which overarching aim was to foster young people’s interest in STEM education and careers, was launched in spring 2011 and finished in autumn 2014. To this purpose inGenious facilitated existing school-industry partnerships and supported the development and dissemination throughout Europe of innovative STEM educational practices designed by industry partners.


The value proposition was a tool used in the development of new STEM platforms and approaches.