Kiezen voor STEM (Dutch only)

Kiezen voor STEM (Dutch only)

Source / author: 
Vlaamse Adviesraad voor Innoveren en Ondernemen (VARIO)
Publication date: 
1 December 2012
Publication type: 
Reports and studies

Triggered by the shortage of STEM graduates in the Flemish labour market, the Flemih Council for Science and Innovation (VARIO) commissioned this research into trends and developments related to students choosing STEM education. (Dutch title: 'Kiezen voor STEM. De Keuze van Jongeren voor een Technische en Wetenschappelijke Studies').


The study has two main objectives: (1) achieve more insight in the trends and figures related to STEM within the Flemish education system, and (2) identify international best practices related to achieving higher numbers of STEM graduates, and identify their success factors. 


The report has been particularly influentials because it developed a definition of 'STEM' applicable to the Flemish education system, that differs from the one used in most international publications. This definition forms the foundation of the objectives in the Flemish STEM strategy (STEM-Actieplan 2012-2020) and related monitoring instrument of the Flemish government (STEM-Monitor) (see page 36-37).