Children’s University

Children’s University

Short summary: 

The goal of our Children’s University is to introduce digitalization in a practice-oriented, informative and playful way. Children can get acquainted with the most modern technological devices under the direction of an experienced teacher. By the end of the camp, the children will be familiar with the modern information society and digital world, moreover, the acquired information will also be useful at the time of their career orientation.

Description and objectives: 

During the Children’s University, young students can learn the basics of LEGO robot programming. They can build robots, observe and control their movements with the help of different sensors and motors. Participants hear a lot of interesting things about mathematics, which help them understand the simplicity and beauty of this difficult subject.


At these events, children will have the opportunity to learn more about VR and 3D printing as well. At some locations, the children will have the chance to design and print unique products.

Education level: 
Logo or photo: 
Obuda University

The goal is to promote STEM and engineering careers.


The three-year program was attended by more than 120 students and 20 teachers. The programs were held in developed and less developed regions of the country.

Budget and funding model: 

The program will be funded by the Hungarian state and the EU until the end of 2020.

Title (dropdown menu): 
Year start: 
Taskforce dosssier: 
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