Hungarian STEM platform

Cutting-edge Science to the Classroom

Short summary: 

In the framework of the Cutting-edge Science to the Classroom programme lectures are held by internationally recognized researchers on cutting-edge topics such as cell biology, genetics, mathematics, and quantum toptics.

Description and objectives: 

The aim of these programmes is to introduce the most modern technologies and solutions to the audience. The goal of the program is to provide more comprehensive knowledge for the teachers working in the STEM fields by disseminating the most novel research results, new methods and teaching contents.
Expert teachers and researchers give lectures on research developments and difficulties, and the possible ethical aspects of these fields.             

Logo or photo: 
Obuda University

The goal of the program is to get the most up-to-date knowledge from a recognized researcher or teacher.


The program currently involves about 300 students and 4 lecturers.

Budget and funding model: 

The program is funded by the EU, the Hungarian state and the University of Obuda.

Year start: 
Taskforce dosssier: 

Children’s University

Short summary: 

The goal of our Children’s University is to introduce digitalization in a practice-oriented, informative and playful way. Children can get acquainted with the most modern technological devices under the direction of an experienced teacher. By the end of the camp, the children will be familiar with the modern information society and digital world, moreover, the acquired information will also be useful at the time of their career orientation.

Description and objectives: 

During the Children’s University, young students can learn the basics of LEGO robot programming. They can build robots, observe and control their movements with the help of different sensors and motors. Participants hear a lot of interesting things about mathematics, which help them understand the simplicity and beauty of this difficult subject.


At these events, children will have the opportunity to learn more about VR and 3D printing as well. At some locations, the children will have the chance to design and print unique products.

Education level: 
Logo or photo: 
Obuda University

The goal is to promote STEM and engineering careers.


The three-year program was attended by more than 120 students and 20 teachers. The programs were held in developed and less developed regions of the country.

Budget and funding model: 

The program will be funded by the Hungarian state and the EU until the end of 2020.

Title (dropdown menu): 
Year start: 
Taskforce dosssier: 

Mini Tech Fair

Short summary: 

The unique Mobile Mini Tech Fair takes the most up-to-date IT improvements to any part of the country to introduce the tech sector to children who are interested.

Description and objectives: 

At the Mini Tech Fairs the children have the opportunity to see the everyday life of a tech expert, they can experience the most up-to-date technologies and devices, and try what it is like to work at a tech company. Children can also meet tech volunteers at the events who speak about their everyday work, the advantages and challenges they have to face at their workplace. It can be a good opportunity for visitors to meet their future employers or get a suitable job or internship places.


Education level: 
Logo or photo: 
STEM Platform Hungary and SKOOL

With the science promotion program, I want to achieve if as many students as possible choose the STEM profession, especially girls.


So far the project implemented 14 events nationwide attended by a total of 248 students.

Budget and funding model: 

The program is currently funded by the EU and the Hungarian state. By the end of the program, we would like to provide direct corporate funding to the Mini Tech Fair.

Title (dropdown menu): 
Year start: 
Taskforce dosssier: 

STEM Ambassador

Short summary: 

The goal of the STEM Ambassador program is to designate a person recognized in the fields of STEM who can represent the objectives of the Hungarian STEM Platform.

Description and objectives: 

The Ambassador is responsible for giving lectures on the importance and necessity of the STEM fields, representing and supporting the STEM Platform in Hungary and abroad and also setting a good example for the younger generations.


The STEM Ambassador must have reference from at least two experts recognized in the field of mathematics and engineering. Based on the references, the management of the Hungarian STEM Platform has the right to decide on the admission, the mandate will be valid until withdrawal.


The management of the Hungarian STEM Platform reserves the right to reject applications without having to justify it.

Education level: 
Logo or photo: 
STEM Hungary

The goal is to provide a model for young people to become dedicated engineers.


Two STEM Ambassadors have been appointed

Budget and funding model: 

Enrollment in the program is by voluntary selection and there is no allowance for STEM ambassadors.

Title (dropdown menu): 
Year start: 
Taskforce dosssier: 
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