
STEAMcat projects overview

Source / author: 

The STEAMcat pedagogical innovation program is a programme of the Government of Catalonia aimed at implementing the ojbectives of the STEAMcat plan (regional STEM strategy of Catalonia). Through teacher training, the programme develops 'STEAM centres' and projects (3 year duration), with the ultimate objective of increasing STEM uptake among young people (in particular girls and other underrepresented groups). 


Results of the individual projects are published periodically (see link above). 

Female STEAM talents ('Aquí STEAM UPC')

Short summary: 

Aquí STEAM UPC is an initiative of the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) to attract female talent to study technology and engineering targeted at girls between 9 and 14 years old in Catalonia. The program aims to break the stereotypes and gender roles established in society and make visible new female references in an attractive and close way for girls.

Description and objectives: 

Aquí STEAM UPC is an initiative of the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) to attract female talent to study technology and engineering. The programme is specifically aimed at girls between 9 and 14 years old in Catalonia. The program aims to break the stereotypes and gender roles established in society and make visible new female references in an attractive and close way for girls. The main objective of the e Aquí STEAM UPC is to:


  • promote scientific-technological vocations, especially among primary school students
  • break the stereotypes and gender roles associated with engineering and technology
  • make visible new models and female referents in these fields
  • empower girls and improve the knowledge of professionals linked to STEAM.


One of the key components of the project is a training programme aimed at teachers of primary and secondary schools, aimed at introducing a gender perspective in educational action, in accordance with the principles of co-education and equal opportunities. Schools participating in the project obtain:


  1. Registration and free participation in the training program “How to incorporate STEAM actions in our schools. Designing action plans for primary and secondary education”, a workshop aimed at primary and secondary education teachers with didactic proposals to encourage scientific and technological vocations in the classroom from a gender perspective.
  2. Recognition of schools that promote specific actions for gender equality and the promotion of scientific and technological vocations among their students through the Aquí STEAM UPC badge, which articulates the network of participating schools and institutes. The seal will establish a common framework for deploying pedagogical innovation projects in these areas in schools.
  3. The registration and participation of schools in the program of activities to promote scientific and technological vocations organized by the UPC (talks, conferences, informative workshops, visits, etc.) in the framework of the actions of information and guidance of studies.
  4. The creation of a space for the generation and experimentation of ideas and proposals that promotes new synergies between primary education and the University in the fields of the promotion of technological vocations and gender equality through a platform with practices , pedagogical resources for teachers, methodologies, activities for students, etc.
Logo or photo: 
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya

The pilot project (first scholar year) has been highly valued by schools. Of the 23 that responded to the satisfaction survey, 18 schools rated the activities with the highest score (82%), while 19 schools rated the UPC teachers and researchers who presented the activities with the highest score (86% of schools).


The UPC offers schools and institutes in Catalonia this project that highlights the areas of STEAM (science, technology, engineering, art and mathematics) and shows that professional skills are not linked to gender. For scholar year 2019-2020 a total of 28 schools (upper primary and lower secondary school levels) participated in the project (2.000 boys and girls).  In this first edition 40 activities have been developed (talks, workshops, conferences) and 28 professors and researchers from the UPC have been involved in liaising with the schools. For scholar year 202-2021, 26 new schools have been added to the program.

Budget and funding model: 

The project funding is included in the UPC budget, following the UPC action plan 2018-2021.

Title (dropdown menu): 
Year start: 

STEAM Project: Aerospace Research Applied to the Classroom

Short summary: 
The STEAM Project: Aerospace Research applied to the classroom (from here on: 'STEAM project'), is a project of The Ministry of Education and Sports and the Junta de Andalucía which aims to bring teachers and students closer to aerospace research and improve students' skills in science and technology by putting them in the in the role of researcher about the advances in aerospace study. The project is aimed at public educational centers in Andalusia (Spain) for primary education, compulsory secondary education and high school.
Description and objectives: 

the Ministry of Education and Sports has been developing cooperation projects with leading entities in the aerospace industry, such as the European Space Agency (ESA) through the ESERO educational project, based in the Granada Science Park and Airbus Space, based in Seville. This type of collaboration has made it possible to verify the effectiveness of the STEAM methodology in general, and aerospace research in particular, in relation to increasing the capacities and competencies of students. Against this background, the General Directorate of Teacher Training and Educational Innovation has considered it essential to promote aerospace research projects, which favour the development and deepening of the basic competencies of students from the interdisciplinarity offered by a STEAM approach, putting the student in the role of a researcher focused on the advances of the aerospace study, its application to health research, technological advances in our society and advances in the prevention of climate change, in relation to the pillars of the Horizon Europe. In this context the Ministry of Education and Sports has launched the STEAM project «Aerospace Research applied to the classroom» which has as its main objective to bring the teaching staff and students of Andalusian public schools closer to the study and aerospace research applied to the classroom. The specific objectives of the project are:


  • Train teachers in the manipulation of aerospace resources and kits provided by the European Space Agency and the Ministry of Education and Sport
  • Guide participation in aerospace competitions
  • Promote STEAM vocations in students, especially among female students, contributing to equal opportunities
  • Guide teachers in planning aerospace visits
Logo or photo: 
Ministry of Education and Sports / Junta de Andalucía

Schools will document the impact of their participation:

a) A brief summary of the experience carried out.
b) The innovation carried out with the resources provided.
c) The section of the curriculum, unit, subject and course where the resources have been integrated.
d) The estimated impact on the number of male and female students.
e) The links or publications that have been disseminated
f)  Participation in the formation of aerospace competitions.
g) The list of teachers who have actively collaborated in the project.


The project is addressed to Andalusian public schools which provide primary education, compulsory secondary education and high school, up to a maximum of 160 schools.

Budget and funding model: 

The project is funded through in combination of sources.

Year start: 
Scholar year 2020-2021

Inspira STEAM

Short summary: 

Inspira STEAM is a pioneering project for the promotion of scientific-technological professions among girls through group mentoring. The programme is focused on awareness-raising and orientation actions through lectures ; mentoring by female professionals from the world of research, science and technology. At the heart of Inspira STEAM project are the mentors, who voluntarily bring their day-to-day lives closer to girls and boys (who are 11 years old) through six work sessions during school hours. Through the meetings between the mentor and the girls the project aims to help dispel doubts and objections about the professions in science and technology, clarify their motivations and strengthen their self-esteem to start this professional path.

Description and objectives: 

Inspira STEAM is a pioneering project for the promotion of scientific-technological professions among girls. The programme is focused on awareness-raising and orientation actions through lectures ; mentoring by female professionals from the world of research, science and technology. At the heart of Inspira STEAM project are the mentors, who voluntarily bring their day-to-day lives closer to girls and boys (who are 11 years old) through six work sessions during school hours. Through the meetings between the mentor and the girls the project aims to help dispel doubts and objections about the professions in science and technology, clarify their motivations and strengthen their self-esteem to start this professional path.


It's the first time that the group-mentoring technique has been used in a project to promote STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Maths) among elementary school students. The Inspira STEAM-project was developed in response to the need to promote scientific and technological vocations among students and the urgency to do so among girls who are underrepresented in these fields. The number of students who opt for technology training decreases every year. Among female, the figures are even worse: Despite the fact that 54.3% of all students in the Spanish university system are women, their presence in technical degrees such as Engineering and Architecture falls to 26.4%.


The core of the project are the mentoring-sessions. All of the mentors are scientists and technologists active in various fields: academic, business, research, management, etc. During the work sessions, topics such as gender stereotypes and the important role of women and science throughout History are addressed. With these meetings between the mentor and the girls, the aim is to help dispel doubts and objections about the professions in science and technology, clarify their motivations and strengthen their self-esteem to start this professional path. The main objectives of the project are:


  • to facilitate new references of nearby female technologists
  • to allow boys and girls discover STEAM professions
  • to raise awareness of the need for the development of the country to occur between men and women
  • career guidance in technology fields
  • to make women technologists visible and valuing
  • To make known the existing stereotypes so that they do not condition the choice of studies
Education level: 
Logo or photo: 
University of Deusto

The long-term impact of the programme is currently being evaluated. The findings will be published as soon as they are available (see background documents).


Early results and input from participating entities indicated the lack of professional vocations in the world of young people's technology as a key challenge, especially in the case of young women. And they want to develop actions to raise awareness in society and energize boys and girls, especially girls, to promote their empowerment and overcoming the difficulties they find in choosing the training and profession they want.


The project reach includes several regions in Spain, thanks to the partnerships stablished with other institutions. Inspira STEAM has the collaboration of Innobasque in Euskadi, Edenway and the Rovira i Virgili University in Catalonia, CIONET in Madrid, the UCA and the University of Jaén in Andalusia, the University of Vigo and the University of Coruña in Galicia, the University of Oviedo in Asturias , the UCAM in Murcia and the financing of the three provincial councils: Bizkaia, Gipuzkoa and Álava as well as BBK, Roche, Barcelona Activa, Silk, HP Foundation, San Sebastián City Council, Euskadi Park Network, Debegesa, BASF, Generalitat de Catalunya, City Council of L'Hospitalet and Asturias 4STEAM. Since its inception, the programme has been continuously growing:

School year 2016-2017

  • Number of schools: 11
  • Number of students: 220 (girls)
  • Number of mentors: 17


School year 2017-2018

  • Number of schools: 148
  • Number of students: 1.523 (girls); 1.321 (boys)
  • Number of mentors: 131


Scholar year 2018-2019

  • Number of schools: 113
  • Number of students: 2.982 (girls); 2.893 (boys)
  • Number of mentors: 315


Scholar year 2019-2020

  • Number of schools: 177
  • Number of students: 4.386 (girls); 4.321 (boys)
  • Number of mentors: 587
Budget and funding model: 

The project is funded from boty public resources and private resources. The entities that sign the Inspira STEAM Commitment collaborate with the project by covering the labor costs of the hours that the mentors participating in the project have to invest. The dedication of the mentors is recognised within the project. Their attendance at meetings, training and dissemination events that require it is also facilitated.


Title (dropdown menu): 
Year start: 

Placing Hacking at the Centre of Maker Pedagogy: An interview with Dr. Shawn M.Bullock (University of Cambridge)

Source / author: 

Dr. Shawn Michael Bullock is a Reader in the History of Science, Technology and Education at the Faculty of Education, Bye-Fellow of Emmanuel College at the University of Cambridge. The interview was published originally by Asturias4STEAM.


The full interview can be found via the link above.

COVID-19 series: Asturias - Showcasing and celebrating the work of STEM teachers via in-depth interviews

Source / author: 
Asturias4Steam (Asturias region, Spain)

In a series of in-depth interviews we (Asturias4Steam - the STEM strategy of the Asturias region, Spain) have showcased the work of STEM teachers in the region and more importantly their wishes and different points of view about the purpose and nature of STEM education.


So far we have published 10 interviews mostly undertaken during COVID-19 lockdown. We’re particularly proud of the diversity of profiles. So far we had conversations with a mix of teachers and headteachers from primary, secondary and VET schools. Professionals with different backgrounds, years of experience and roles. Some of them teach Maths, science, technology, engineering but we’ve also collected interesting insights from a philosophy teacher and a primary school headteacher.


Quite interestingly this was also an opportunity to spot some recurrent patterns and demands in all the conversations we had so far. Teachers are mainly interested in knowing and learning from what other teachers do. So this has led us to start thinking about shaping a school visits programme to promote and facilitate this cross-pollination of ideas and expertise. Maybe some members of the EU Stem Coalition could give us some pointers?


Another interesting insight is the call for more flexible arrangement of the school timetable and curriculum, particularly to facilitate team-teaching in STEM. All the interviews are published in Asturias4STEAM blog (see link above) and disseminated through our twitter account (@asturias4steam) but we are seriously considering compiling them in a publication as it provides a real insight into the STEM action that’s going on in our schools and classrooms. We’ll keep you posted.


In addition, we've also interviewed some researchers (eg. Louise Archer, Science Capital) and people behind interesting STEM initiatives in neighbouring countries eg. Ange Ansour from Savanturiers, France. Last but not least, we've been regularly producing summaries in spanish of STEM education research articles published in peer-reviewed journals in order to make them accessible to our teachers.

COVID-19 series: Spain - Regional approaches: E-learning in Catalonia

Source / author: 
Government of Catalonia

To ensure general continuity of primary and secondary education the main focus in Catalonia is on e-learning. While the use of e-learning platforms in secondary schools is quite common (although not universal) this is not the case in primary education. Catalonia is therefore implementing a range of teacher trainings as well as ensuring connectivity (and availability of devices) for students who do not already have access to them. These initiatives are not limited to STEM but cover all topics. 


In parallel, a range of proposals and actions are being prepared to support teachers in their teaching activities. For example, coinciding with the international "Day of Girls in ICT" the government of Catalonia is preparing a small digital challenge for secondary students. In addition, women engineers who work in ICT (role models) have been asked to record videos on their life and career in ICT as well as their projects, in particular those with a societal impact (e.g. healthcare, education, etc.). These vides will be tied into student assignments. In addition, an overview report will be prepared (based on the quality and number of the video reports - link will be available soon). 

Basque government launches Jet-Net-inspired pilot programme in the Basque country

Source / author: 

In the Basque country 37 schools and 21 companies and other partners have joined the STEAMsare programme of the Basque Department of Education. The goal of this programme is to create a network of schools, companies and scientific-technological stakeholders in the Basque country focused on the promotion of STEAM education (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics). 


The Minister of Education, Cristina Uriarte, the Deputy Minister for Education, Maite Alonso, and the Deputy Minister for University and Research, Adolfo Morais, gave presentations at the STEAMsare program press conference. Together with them, Leire Bilbao, Managing Director of the Basque Innobasque-Innovation Agency, was also present, due to this project being developed with other stakeholders in line with other 'STEAM Euskadi Strategy' (Basque STEAM Strategy)-initiatives. 


The STEAMsare programme was inspired by a successful educational approach developed in the Netherlands (and later implemented in Denmark as well as other countries) called Jet-Net.  The main objectives of STEAMsare are to provide students with a realistic, positive and varied image of science and technology education and professions, while at the same time promoting careers in this area. Schools, companies and scientific-technological partners will work together throughout the year, with the help of one of the five partners involved. These are: Basque Innovation Agency (Innobasque), November Foundation, The Machine Tool Institute, Iraurgi Renovations and the Mondragon Corporation.


For more information, please see the full press release via the link above.

The Basque Country (Spain) joins EU STEM Coalition

Source / author: 
EU STEM Coalition

In the context of the preparation of the upcoming Basque STEAM Strategy (see related article), the Department of Education of the Basque Country (Spain) as well as the Basque Innovation Agency (InnoBasque) have joined the EU STEM Coalition. For more information about both organisations, please refer to the Members-page.


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