STEAM Project: Aerospace Research Applied to the Classroom

STEAM Project: Aerospace Research Applied to the Classroom

Short summary: 
The STEAM Project: Aerospace Research applied to the classroom (from here on: 'STEAM project'), is a project of The Ministry of Education and Sports and the Junta de Andalucía which aims to bring teachers and students closer to aerospace research and improve students' skills in science and technology by putting them in the in the role of researcher about the advances in aerospace study. The project is aimed at public educational centers in Andalusia (Spain) for primary education, compulsory secondary education and high school.
Description and objectives: 

the Ministry of Education and Sports has been developing cooperation projects with leading entities in the aerospace industry, such as the European Space Agency (ESA) through the ESERO educational project, based in the Granada Science Park and Airbus Space, based in Seville. This type of collaboration has made it possible to verify the effectiveness of the STEAM methodology in general, and aerospace research in particular, in relation to increasing the capacities and competencies of students. Against this background, the General Directorate of Teacher Training and Educational Innovation has considered it essential to promote aerospace research projects, which favour the development and deepening of the basic competencies of students from the interdisciplinarity offered by a STEAM approach, putting the student in the role of a researcher focused on the advances of the aerospace study, its application to health research, technological advances in our society and advances in the prevention of climate change, in relation to the pillars of the Horizon Europe. In this context the Ministry of Education and Sports has launched the STEAM project «Aerospace Research applied to the classroom» which has as its main objective to bring the teaching staff and students of Andalusian public schools closer to the study and aerospace research applied to the classroom. The specific objectives of the project are:


  • Train teachers in the manipulation of aerospace resources and kits provided by the European Space Agency and the Ministry of Education and Sport
  • Guide participation in aerospace competitions
  • Promote STEAM vocations in students, especially among female students, contributing to equal opportunities
  • Guide teachers in planning aerospace visits
Logo or photo: 
Ministry of Education and Sports / Junta de Andalucía

Schools will document the impact of their participation:

a) A brief summary of the experience carried out.
b) The innovation carried out with the resources provided.
c) The section of the curriculum, unit, subject and course where the resources have been integrated.
d) The estimated impact on the number of male and female students.
e) The links or publications that have been disseminated
f)  Participation in the formation of aerospace competitions.
g) The list of teachers who have actively collaborated in the project.


The project is addressed to Andalusian public schools which provide primary education, compulsory secondary education and high school, up to a maximum of 160 schools.

Budget and funding model: 

The project is funded through in combination of sources.

Year start: 
Scholar year 2020-2021
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