Primary Education

Meet and Code

Short summary: 

Meet and Code invites local nonprofits across Europe to apply for micro-grants to organize events that foster interest in and access to digital skills among young Europeans. The aim of Meet and Code is to help build a world in which every young European has the digital skills required to shape their own future. Behind Meet and Code are the founding partners SAP, Haus des Stiftens gGmbH, TechSoup Europe with the respective country partners of the TechSoup Europe network. In 2020, the German Federal Ministry of the Interior, Building and Community (BMI) joined as a European partner. Meet and Code 2020 is made possible through financial support of SAP and BMI, while Haus des Stiftens gGmbH is responsible for the initiative.

Description and objectives: 

Meet and Code invites local nonprofits across Europe to apply for micro-grants to organize events that foster interest in and access to digital skills among young Europeans. The aim of Meet and Code is to help build a world in which every young European has the digital skills required to shape their own future. It was co-created by SAP and Haus des Stiftens gGmbH in Munich, which coordinates the grant-giving process, along with the TechSoup Europe network partners. The initiative is aligned with the EU Code Week and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.


THe Meet and Code Award presents and honors the most successful event ideas. The goal is to award the most creative and innovative event ideas used by nonprofits to get youngsters excited about coding. The five categories of the Meet and Code Award 2020 are aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Winners of each category will receive 2000 euro prize money.


The following 35 countries are eligible for grants from the programme: Austria, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway,

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SAP, BMI, Haus des Stiftens gGmbH, Techsoup Europe

THe aim of Meet and Code is to help build a world in which every young European has the digital skills required to shape their own future. Since it's launch the programme sponsored over 3000 coding events.


During the last 3 years, more than 138 000 young people took part in the programme. For more information, please check the programme website via the link above. 

Budget and funding model: 

Nonprofits from 35 countries can apply online until September 10, 2020. Each approved event idea will receive a grant of up to 500 euros. Meet and Code was co-created by SAP and Haus des Stiftens gGmbH in Munich, which coordinates the grant-giving process, along with the TechSoup Europe network partners.

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Coding in STEM Education

Short summary: 

With our teacher project 'Coding in STEM Education' 22 teachers from seven European countries developed concrete examples and practical advice for teachers on how to integrate coding in STEM lessons. 

Description and objectives: 

Coding becomes more and more important in our society. To help increase the level of knowledge on a wide scale Science on Stage focuses on the teachers. They first need to be familiar with coding before introducing their students to this topic.

With our teacher project 'Coding in STEM Education' 22 teachers from seven European countries develop concrete examples and practical advice not only about how to practice coding skills using Arduino, Raspberry Pi & Co. in computer sciences but also in subjects such as biology, chemistry, technology, mathematics, and physics - even if you are no IT expert.

The results were published in 2019 in form of a teaching brochure. The project is proudly supported by SAP.

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Science on Stage Deutschland e.V.

The 'Coding in STEM Education' project aims to make coding topics more accessible for teachers and students. The presented projects

  • are low cost to make it easier for teachers from all over Europe to implement them in their classrooms
  • are linked to important topics in European science curricula in primary and secondary school which enables teachers to incorporate them in their lesson even without allotted time for computer science
  • cover various subjects and scientific areas to interest many different students (encouraging girls for computer science)

The project 'Coding in STEM Education' consist of several project phases. In the first phase 23 with their students (approximately 250) develop and test the teaching materials which was published in a brochure in spring 2019. This brochure is available online and in print for free. We estimate to reach about 10 000 teachers per year through the publication and workshops. Following the release of the teaching material, a coding competition for student-teacher teams encouraged participants from all over Europe to apply with innovative ideas.

Budget and funding model: 

The projects of Science on Stage are funded through private companies and charitable foundations. The project “Coding in STEM education” is proudly supported by SAP.

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European Science on Stage festivals

Short summary: 

Every two years, Science on Stage organises Europes biggest educational festival from and for STEM teachers. Each time hosted by a different country, the event brings together up to 450 STEM teachers from over 30 countries to share and exchange their ideas and concepts for a successful science education from primary to secondary school

Description and objectives: 

Every two years, Science on Stage organises Europes biggest educational festival from and for STEM teachers. Each time hosted by a different country, the event brings together up to 450 STEM teachers from over 30 countries to share and exchange their ideas and concepts for a successful science education from primary to secondary school.

Every participant presents his or her good-practice teaching examples to their international colleagues at stands, in workshops and in on-stage-presentations. Following the principle 'from teachers for teachers' the festival supports the professional development of the educators. Furthermore the most innovative best-practice teaching concepts find their way to teacher trainings, brochures and teaching materials after the event.

Teachers are competitively selected to be part of their country’s delegation through rigorous application processes and national events.

The next European Science on Stage festival takes place will take place from 24-27 March 2022 in Prague, Czech Republic.

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Science on Stage Europe

The impact of our work can be measured by the personal benefit the teachers get through participating in our European Science on Stage festival. The results of the evaluation of the festivals demonstrate that the exchange of teachers has a positive effect on the motivation and joy in the profession. Indeed, participating teachers find many inspiring ideas for their STEM lessons and actually incorporate them practically in their own classrooms. However, the teachers do not only appreciate the exchange of inspiring ideas, but also the possibility to gain and maintain contacts made on an international basis. The improvement of science teaching and thus the promotion of students to consider a career in science, ICT and engineering, can be a good way to counteract the skilled worker shortage in these areas. (see Evaluation report)


The festival brings together up to 450 STEM teachers from over 30 countries to share and exchange their ideas and concepts for a successful science education from primary to secondary school. These festivals are the peak of our work – they constitute a gateway for national follow-up activities of each individual Science on Stage country. Through the festivals, newly acquired concepts find their way to teacher trainings, brochures and teaching materials in every participating country. In this way we reach more than 100,000 STEM teachers across Europe.

Budget and funding model: 

The European Science on Stage festivals are funded through private companies and foundations, municipalities, cooperation with universities and other STEM initiatives. The host country/National Steering Committee that organises the European festival is responsible for fundraising, supported by the umbrella organisation Science on Stage Europe e.V.

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Coding Summer School

Short summary: 

Coding Summer School is an intensive week-long event that immerses primary- and secondary age students in the world of coding and app development. The hands-on programme is taught by industry professionals and organised by ThinkYoung in cooperation with Boeing. By giving students a week-long immersive experience that culminates in students creating their own app, the programme aims to enthuse students for STEM subjects and kick-start their education in this field.

Description and objectives: 

Coding Summer School is an intensive week-long event that immerses primary- and secondary age students in the world of coding and app development. The hands-on programme is taught by industry professionals and organised by ThinkYoung in cooperation with Boeing. By giving students a week-long immersive experience that culminates in students creating their own app, the programme aims to enthuse students for STEM subjects and kick-start their education in this field.

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While the current education systems usually leave little room for experimentation, innovative approaches in non-formal education settings can provide useful evidence about what works and what doesn’t. In this sense showcasing good practice examples from non-formal education initiatives provides policy makers with unique insights that can inform policy design and implementation. This impact can be felt in the interest from the Estonian Presidency to join the 2017 Coding school along with education ministers from the 28 member states in order to share best practises in innovative ways of educating. This involvement will serve as a base for the European Council’s upcoming discussions on the future of Education in the European sphere. Initiatives such as the Boeing & ThinkYoung Coding Summer School can be invaluable to policy makers as an instrument to steer the debate.


The goal of this initiative is to foster the interest of STEM skills and kick-start education in this field for young people, with a specific focus on the gender gap in STEM. In the 2 editions run of the Coding Summer School roughly 200 kids between the ages of 11 and 17 have been trained. With 70% of females targeted and reached.

Budget and funding model: 

Coding Summer School is an initiative of Boeing.

Quote data pages: 

In the 2017 edition of ThinkYoung and Boeing's Coding Summer School, 70% of the students that enrolled in the programme were girls. 

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StarT Finland

Short summary: 

StarT is the flagship programme of the LUMA Centre Finland (Finnish STEM platform).

Description and objectives: 

StarT is the flagship programme of the LUMA Centre Finland (Finnish STEM platform). Launched in 2016, the programme's main objective is to bring science, mathematics and technology closer to children and youngsters through interdisciplinary, project-based collaborative learning. The programme is implemented by LUMA Centre Finland (network between 13 regional STEM education centre within Finnish universities) through 'learning communities', supported by collaboration partners including the Finnish National Agency for Education and companies in the field of science and technology like IBM.


The StarT programme is implemented on three levels:|

  1. Local level: kindergartens, primary schools, high schools, and extracurricular activity groups participating in StarT
  2. Regional level: StarT festivals organized all around Finland by the LUMA centers together with local partners (does not apply to non-Finnish participants)
  3. National / International level: the LUMA Centre Finland organizes the StarT Gala, where teams chosen by the StarT jury – also non-Finnish teams – are awarded

In these levels, the StarT programme supports project-based learning in the local learning communities, StarT festivals and a national/international StarT gala.

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The overall feedback has been excellent. For example, in relation to a math related learning project teachers noted that: “Children have learned to create their own ideas, to solve problems in a team, work together to overcome difficulties, associate the amount of things with numbers, improved perception of time and counting skills. During the festival they developed not only mathematical skills, but also improved their social skills.” In school year 2016-2017 support material was sent through the StarT newsletter to 500 learning communities in Finland. There were ca. 10 000 participants (kids/youth/teachers/educators) in StarT learning communities, ca. 1000 participants in regional StarT festivals and ca. 400 participant in national/international StarT Gala.


In the 2016-2017 school year, the StarT programme supported 400 learning communities from Finland and 350 learning communities from abroad with participants from 36 countries. 

Budget and funding model: 

StarT learning projects are carried out in learning communities like day care centres, kindergartens, schools etc. around the country and funded by themselves. Regional and national StarT marketing as well as the regional StarT festivals and national/international StarT Gala are funded by the Finnish universities and the sponsoring companies.

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